Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our Requirement To Others - Our Requirement to Ourselves

Paul writes in Galatians 6:1-5;

"Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself - lest you also be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in one another. For each one shall bear his own load."

In this passage, Paul gives us some wise words of how we need to handle the burdens of our fellow brethren in addition to our own burdens. We know that we have a responsibility to help and encourage other brethren - and as Christians, we try to do that as much as we can. However, sometimes, we get so caught up in the lives of others - that we forget about our own. Paul reminds us in this passage that we must keep ourselves in check and "bear our own load." These are both areas that we could probably work on in our Christian lives.

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